H2H is a component that detects entry points paths in your project.
H2H - Java (JVM)
For a JVM (Java virtual machine), H2H is a javagent. This Java agent will scan your application at runtime for each component and framework.
H2H supports (for Java)
- JSF 2
- Spring
- Struts 1
- Struts 2
- RestX (in progress)
- Jersey (in progress)
H2H comes with a webapp that will collect and present all detected entry points in applications that subscribed to H2H service.
H2H - Web
H2H-Web is a web application designed to
- Display all entry paths for each application
- Monitor activity for each entry point
- Save each pentesting
Demo :
Tips :
- Launch real application : "Launch app" icon
- "See statistics" to have a precise view of all detected entry points
Build Java Agent
highway-to-urhell requires Java 7.
You can build it using Maven 3+ :
mvn install
How to use it
- Unzip highway-to-url distribution in a directory of your choice
- Configure agent in JAVA_OPTS (see above)
Add file in your application : config.properties
REMOTE send data to h2hell-web, MEMORY data in memory agent
outputSystem=REMOTE or Memory
urlapplication=url of your application reachable for H2H-web
urlh2hweb=http://server-h2h-web:port/core/api/ThunderApp (only REMOTE)
pathSource=path to source
Configuring agent on Unix machines :
export JAVA_OPTS=$JAVA_OPTS -javaagent:/path/to/h2hell-core.jar -Djava.ext.dirs=/path/to/h2h -DH2H_CONFIG=/path/to/file/config.properties
Configuring agent on Windows machines :
set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -javaagent:/path/to/h2hell-core.jar -Djava.ext.dirs=/path/to/h2h -DH2H_CONFIG=/path/to/file/config.properties
Launch h2hell-web
Juste type
in h2hell-web directory.
You can edit h2h.properties to change : Swagger url , DB connexion, Hibernate configuration